A few months ago I flew to Florida to spend a day with Rich Schefren (some people call him the "Guru to the Guru's").
Anyway - when we were down there we talked a LOT about the difference between "Opportunity Seekers" VS "Entrepreneurs.
As we all know, the only real way to make money online is to get OUT of the opportunity mindset and to start becoming an Entrepreneur.
Ya... "easier said then done" I told Rich.
He then laughed and told me that for the past 2 years he's had a very simple webinar that he shows his clients that helps to transform them from "Opportunity Seeker" to Entrepreneur almost overnight!
He then showed me the webinar, and I saw the power of the process he took people through.
Now, this is normally something he charges for, but I got him to let you on this webinar for free - if you make sure to block out some time for it THIS WEEK.
Sound good...?
Ok - then you can register for it here:
This information will change your life if you act on it. So be sure to show up on time, take notes and get ready for the ride of your life. :)
http://hypertracker.com/go/russbrun/freedom/ <= your access link
Russell Brunson
P.S. - if you've been stuck in the "opportunity" cycle for long - this will FINALLY break you free...