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    Jumat, 16 September 2011

    Beberapa Saran Penting Dalam Dalam Membuat CV

    Honest, Do not Lie

    Remember, do not ever write on your CV an experience that you do not experience it. Indeed, one sometimes feels prestige with the experience he has, because they feel less of experience. Believe in yourself that you have advantages that others do not have.

    Number of Pages

    In general CV consists of only 1 (one) or 2 (two) pages. But if it is a history of job / career you very much, as well as education / courses / training you very much. And you assume that it's important to be displayed, then you can add it into 3 (three) page CV as an attachment Job application letter, no problem.
    But specific to Work Cover Letters, fixed try 1 (one) page.

    Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling

    It is not justified if it occurs in a resume mistakes involving grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Reread the grammar book or dictionary in Indonesian.
    If you write a CV in English, and you are not sure, then try to get back checked or reviewed by friend / relative who mastered the English language.

    Explicit (clearly, obviously)

    Do not make people read your CV or resume interpret or mean different things.
    A simple example: In the CV in the education section, you enter the Bachelor of Accounting University of Pancasila, and not add the name of the city location. Do not assume that the reader would know that Pancasila University in Jakarta. Therefore, add the name of the city behind, eg Bachelor of Accounting University of Pancasila - Jakarta.

    Easy to Read and Easily digested

    CV made in describing chaotic thoughts that are not clear and the inability of writers in pouring out his heart. It is therefore very important to write a CV that is easy to read, easy to digest, the sequence is clear, and logical.
    If you need parts or words that you think is very important for the highlighted, can be written in bold (bold). But not too many parts in bold, so look no further part is very important.
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